The state of a work environment affects productivity more than some realize. A cluttered workspace will not yield the desired results because an employee’s mindset will be as scattered as the office. If you have notice the productivity rate of your employee’s has been slowly plummeting then it might be time to take action. The only solution to this problem is through organizing your space.
How to Organize Your Workspace
Start by throwing out objects that you do not need. Set up a day and time in which employees must go through their desks and toss items they no longer need or want. Provide them with plastic bags for trash and small boxes to take home items they would rather not throw away. Depending on the state of the office, purging should not take up more than half of the day.
Create a system within your office by dedicating specific areas for various items and documents. For instance, set up a small cabinet next to your printer that contains extra paper and toner. Set up a paper shredder nearby and a small trash can.
The same type of organization should be applied to your desk. Have trays or a small file stand set up on your desk. This is where your documents should be dropped off by employees or stored once you have completed your task. If your desk is big enough to allow it, set up an area where you do non-computer related activities such as reading over papers or signing them.
There should be a place for everything in your office and that includes a closet for coats to a small paper clip container. It keeps them out of sight enabling everyone to focus on the tasks at hand. By storing all of your supplies properly, it is easy to keep track of the inventory. When the office runs low on pens, the office manager can simply order more.
At Made Rite, we provide our own product to keep your office organized. Our Snap-On Baseboards ensure that your wiring is kept out of the walkways and out-of-sight which makes for a cleaner looking work environment.